lunedì 28 febbraio 2011

nuovi patterns!!! new patterns!!!

Eccoli, i nuovi patterns gratuiti disponibili sia su Ravelry sia su  4shared

La lavetta, realizzabile anche come coperta:
Ravelry: Textured Washcloth/Blanket

4shared: Textured Washcloth/Blanket

Here they are , new and free patterns available both on Ravelry and on 4shared

The washcloth, also crochetable as blanket:

Ravelry: Textured Washcloth/Blanket

4shared: Textured Washcloth/Blanket

MadEye...per farne quello che volete!

Ravelry: MadEye

4shared: MadEye

MadEye....and use it for whatever you want!

Ravelry: MadEye

4shared: MadEye

1 commento:

Linda ha detto...

Love the mad eye!